Arizona Defensive Driving Online Course and Court Fees


The total cost to attend an Arizona Defensive Driving program consists of five fees:

cost to attend
  1. Course Fee
  2. Processing Fee
  3. State Fee
  4. State Surcharge
  5. Court Diversion Fee

AZ Defensive Driving by Safe2Drive School Fee

AZ Defensive Driving by Safe2Drive charges $29.95 for its Arizona Defensive Driving program.

Processing Fee

The processing fee covers the cost to process the paperwork required to register for the course.

State and Court Fees

All schools in Arizona are required to collect fees the State and Court charges you. We submit these fees to the State and Court respectively.

If you choose to attend defensive driving school (DDS), and you are eligible to attend, DO NOT pay the courts for the violation that you are wanting to attend DDS for. You will pay the court fees to Safe2Drive and once you complete the course, we will pay the fees to the court for you. If you pay the court ahead of time, the court will not accept the completion of the course.

Total Cost To Attend

If you received your citation before 04/01/24, please click the checkbox below. Then, select the county where your court is located and click the 'Go' button to see the total cost to attend.

If you received your citation after 04/01/24, simply select the county where your court is located and click the 'Go' button to see the total cost to attend.

  I received my citation before 04/01/24


Convenient Payment Methods

payment methods

AZ Defensive Driving by Safe2Drive provides several payment methods. You may pay online or by phone. In addition, we accept personal checks and money orders. Payment must be made in full and in a single transaction.

  • Credit Card / Debit Online (Visa, Master Card, Amex, and Discover)
  • Credit Card by Phone
  • Check by Mail